
Prayer is the primary way God desires us to do the work He has called us to. Personal prayer and corporate prayer is the life sustaining work of the church. Good work can be done without prayer, but excellent work with long-lasting fruit will be done only through prayer.

Servant Leadership

Leadership in the Church is not about power and position but rather about servant hood. Integrity and character rather than power and position give leaders the authority to lead. Servant leadership is acknowledged and affirmed by the Body of Christ.

Community Groups

We believe that community groups are one of the most important and effective aspects of church life, because in this context teaching, relationships, service, and prayer are central, and thus real life change and nurture is made possible. Our desire is to be a community groups where the majority of our body is blessed by this ministry.

Unity in Diversity

We believe that our diversity in culture, temperaments, spiritual journey, gender, age and gifting is a strength of the Church. Under Christ we are united, conforming to His image. Our mission, values and vision help bring unity to a diverse church.

Grace-Filled Community

We believe that the Church should be the most honest community in the world. People on their journey to God and believers in their walk with God need the Church to provide an environment of grace and truth where they can experience His healing and maturing work.


Faith in Christ means that we have a responsibility to be stewards of all He has given us. Our lives are to resemble that of a river – life-giving and moving with the purposes of God, rather than a reservoir – stagnant and contained. Stewardship means investing in God’s kingdom regularly, generously, sacrificially and with a joyful heart.


We believe that all people matter to God, and thus when communicating, we need to contextualize the message without compromising the truth. Excellence does not mean professionalism, but rather a wholehearted effort, and ministering in the area of our gifting. This value embraces our desire to reach lost people for Christ from every tribe, language, and nation.


We do not view other Churches as the competition but rather complementing the work of JICF. It is our intention to partner with other Churches as we endeavor to live out and reach out our faith.


Because all believers are called and gifted, ministry is not for a select few. Those of every race, color, gender and age have the awesome privilege of contributing to God’s work.

Team Leadership

The church consists of several teams that provide leadership for the church, including the Elder’s Team which provides overall church leadership. Teams produce the best results, ensure accountability, and help mentor emerging leaders.


The church is in the people building business. It is the priority of the church to invest in people and see them become more like Christ. Every believer is called to disciple and be discipled.


Worship is a lifestyle issue. It is a 24/7 experience. Worship is where we acknowledge what God is worth and then we give Him what He is worth- our whole lives! Worship is characterized by an attitude of humility, poverty, gratefulness and joy. We worship God corporately and individually.