Monalisa Hutabarat
Administrator for The Rock
Meet Mona
Although I was born and raised in a Christian family, I didn’t automatically consider myself a Christian. When I was young, my parents asked their children to attend church as Sunday morning routine. I considered Sunday school as a fun place to go because that’s where most of my friends were. I ended up becoming a Sunday school teacher in my teen years and was actively serving at my church. During those years I believe God was working in my heart by putting in me the desire to know Him personally. I had the curiosity to know what Christianity was all about. It wasn’t until I was in college in 1995 that I accepted Christ as my personal Savior. It radically changed my life, because it was the first time I was able to embrace the identity God has given me. I started to understand what it meant to have a relationship with Christ and to know that I’ve been saved by His grace alone through my faith in Jesus Christ. The Lord has been faithful in pursuing me with His love as I continue to grow in Him. Jesus is truly the greatest gift in my life.
I joined JICF in 2001 and have been involved in the Children’s Ministry since then. I started to work as a part-time administrator for The Rock in 2004, and became a full-time staff in 2006. I feel very blessed to be on staff here at JICF. I love serving people through The Rock, and I love meeting new people. I also enjoy meeting with single ladies one-on-one or in a small-group setting studying Scripture.