Women's Ministry

Ongoing: Established in Christlikeness Bible Study 2024-2025
Established in Christlikeness is the fifth in a series of spiritual formation Bible study materials for believers to experience life transformation. Becoming more knowledgeable of Scripture and also maturing in Christlike character. It is beyond bible study just to fill the mind, but truly, obeying and practicing the new learning on a day to day living. The purpose of this study is to obey the Great Commission: to help believers to grow to become fully devoted followers of Christ who obey Him in daily living. And not stopping there, these mature followers of Christ will in turn develop other committed disciples for Christ (multiplication).
For the printed book, please order with Mona at mona@jicf.org or WA +628129061273 The cost for printed book is Rp 150,000. The pdf version is free of charge (click the DOWNLOAD button below).

Past event: Maturing in Christlikeness Bible Study 2023-2024
When I am hurt, what should I do? Can I really trust my heart? What should I do with my addiction problem? What should I do when I feel stuck in my life? Where can I find healing? Where can I find a solution to my loneliness? How can I get out from the performance trap? Why didn’t God answer my prayer? This book is written for men and women who desire to find answers to many life struggles by looking in Scripture. Click on the button below to access teaching video episodes that go with this book.

Past event: Increasing in Christlikeness Women's Bible Study 2022-2023
Where do we find answers for our daily struggles? Should we listen to advice from friends? Social media? Google? YouTube? With so many competing voices trying to provide answers, we need to be able to dig into Scripture to find the true answer. This book is written for men and women who desire to increasingly grow into Christlikeness. It is a Bible study which deals with relevant daily life struggles and how we can find answers in Scripture. Click on the button below to access teaching video episodes that go with this book.

Past event: Into Christlikeness Women's Bible Study 2021-2022
Into Christlikeness is written for men and women who desire to grow into Christlikeness. It is a Bible study which deals with relevant daily life struggles and how we can find answers from Scripture. With so many competing voices in this world, it is very easy for us to drift away from the truth. The line between lies and truth is becoming more and more obscure. Learning what Scripture says on relevant life issues and struggles is crucial. Click on the button below to access teaching video episodes that go with this book.

Past Event: Women's Bible Study 2020-2021
Many women in JICF have embarked on the journey to grow in love, grace and knowledge of Christ in our weekly bible study. Click on the button below to access teaching video episodes that go with this book.
"Sharing in a small group was a frightening experience to me at first. I was afraid to be rejected. I thought if I shared my sins to these ladies they would judge me. But no, they listened and shared about their struggles as well."
~ Mega Budijanto
As women, we face many challenges in our different roles. Every day we are surrounded by many voices that tell us different things. We are constantly bombarded by worldviews from social media, magazines, movies and the culture around us. Where do we go for advice guidance when we need it? We need solid advice and teaching from the Word of God to find answers to our life issues. We need to learn to understand His Word and to learn biblical principles to deal with different issues that we face on a daily basis.
We welcome women from all nationalities, races, colors, life stages, denominations, and spiritual backgrounds to learn God’s Word together and to encourage one another to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
Our Mission:
To disciple women to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Our Vision
A community of multicultural, multinational, non-denominational, English-speaking women believers who are being shepherded, biblically-counseled, and discipled to become spiritually mature disciple-makers.
An authentic, grace-filled community of women believers who are committed to study God’s Word, pray, and be accountable to each other in obeying God.
Christ-followers who encourage one another to sacrificially give and serve by exercising their spiritual gifts through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Core Values
The Word of God needs to be central to all we do. We must think biblically and grow in a way that builds on the truth of Scripture. Everything we do is to be evaluated in the light of Scripture.
Prayer is the primary way God desires us to do the work He has called us to. Personal prayer and corporate prayer are the life-sustaining work of this ministry. Good work can be done without prayer, but excellent work with long-lasting fruit will be done only through prayer.
The Great Commission is our compass, therefore, disciple-making is the heartbeat of our ministry to women.
Unity in Diversity
We believe that our diversity in cultures, nationalities, personalities, spiritual journeys, ages, and giftings is the strength of this ministry. Under Christ we are united, conforming to His image.
Authentic Grace-filled Community
We want to build a culture of honesty, transparency, trust, and acceptance among the women in our ministry.
Being a woman in the modern age is a challenging thing to navigate. If you yearn to see Biblical womanhood taught, understood, and lived out, JICF Women’s ministry is the place for you. For more information on how to get involved, please contact Mimi Suhartanto below.
I was saved when I was sixteen through a gospel tract given by a school friend. At seventeen, I felt the calling into full-time ministry. I told my dad that I wanted to go to seminary after I graduated from high school, however, he did not allow me to do it then. Eventually I went to Seattle University to pursue a degree in philosophy, because that was the closest subject to theology.
I met my husband, Hendra Suhartanto, three months before I graduated. A year after I moved back to Jakarta, we got married. God gave us a precious daughter, Gabrielle, whom I homeschooled all the way until high school. During the busyness of being a wife and homeschooling mother, I had forgotten God’s calling for full-time ministry. But God never forgot! In 2014, three months before my daughter graduated from high school, a professor from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary visited JICF and recruited me to pursue a Master of Arts in Christian Education. Subsequently, by God’s grace alone I was able to complete a Doctor of Education in Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2020.
As the Director of JICF Women’s Ministry, my passion has been the ministry of the Gospel and The Great Commission. Teaching and discipleship are my passion. It is my prayer that all the women in this ministry will understand the Gospel accurately. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, they will experience regeneration and will become fully devoted disciples of Christ who disciple other women.
In my free time, I enjoy reading, walking in nature, and spending time with people.