Acts Sermon Series - The Church To The World

March 16, 2025
Paul's Advice to Leaders(Acts 20:17-38)
Mike Broomell
In Acts 20:17-38, Paul meets with the elders of the church in Ephesus for the last time. Join us as we learn from his powerful advice to church leaders—wisdom that applies not only to leadership in the church but also in our families and every position of influence where God has placed us.
March 9, 2025
Wake Up!(Acts 20:1-16)
Hendra Suhartanto
In Acts 20:9 Eutychus fell asleep during Paul’s sermon, fell from a third-story window, and died. Paul brought him back to life. It’s easy to condemn Eutychus, but what about us? Week after week, we hear the Word, yet how many of us are spiritually asleep? We may be awake physically, but are we truly alive to the Father’s business? If not, it’s time to WAKE UP! Just as Paul revived Eutychus, God’s Spirit is here to awaken us to His purpose and reignite our passion. The time for complacency is over!
March 2, 2025
The Gospel-Transformed Society(Acts 19:23-41)
Suparno Adijanto
Throughout history, we have seen how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is able to transform society. These transformations happened even when faced with great opposition. How can we be used by God to bring about societal transformation? What should we do when facing opposition? And what part does God play in all this? Please join us this Sunday as we look in God’s Word for the answer to these questions
February 23, 2025
Demonstration of God's Power over Evil Spirits(Acts 19:11 - 22)
Yusup Lifire
How do you perceive evil spirits, sorcery and the occult? Do you underestimate them or even deny their existence? Or do you overestimate and live in fear of their power? Or have you even been involved in them? How do you perceive and experience the power of the name of Jesus over evil spirits? Let us see how God demonstrated His power in the cult and magic center of the Roman world, Ephesus, in Acts 19: 11 – 22.
February 16, 2025
Becoming Holistic Disciples of Jesus(Acts 18:23 - 19:10)
Yusup Lifire
All Christians are called to be disciples of Jesus, and we are to be them holistically. What does it look like to be a holistic disciple of Christ? Let’s learn by looking at the life of Jesus’ disciples in Jerusalem.
February 9, 2025
A Reflection: Lessons From Paul's Ministry(Acts 18:12-23)
Sandjaja Prawiro
In just 12 verses, Luke masterfully weaves intricate details of Paul’s journey back to his home church in Antioch. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, these verses hold rich lessons for us.
February 2, 2025
Paul: Missionary Or Businessman - or Both?(Acts 18:1-11)
Mike Broomell
As a businessperson or professional, do you feel that you are second-class citizen in the kingdom of God? Do you feel guilty because you are not employed as full-time Christian worker? Come join us this Sunday as we study Acts 18:1-11 to hear how the Apostle Paul integrated his missionary work with his tentmaking business – and the reasons for why he did so!
December 15, 2024
Christ & Our Culture(Acts 17:16-34)
Yusup Lifire
Every one of us was born and raised in a certain culture or subculture which has become an inseparable part of us. Wherever Christ is preached, the message is preached to people with a culture. How does Christ interact with our culture? How do we embrace Christ and culture? Let us learn from how the gospel is preached in the city of Athens, the cultural center of the ancient world in Acts 17: 16 – 34
December 8, 2024
How to Fulfill The Great Commission(Acts 17:1-15)
John Zheng
God is on a mission to restore His kingdom on earth. He has called us to join Him in His mission, but He has not left us guessing about how to do this. In fact, the whole book of Acts is about how the early church worked to complete the Great Commission. From Acts 17:1-15 we will learn three ways to fulfill the Great Commission.
November 10, 2024
The Power of the Gospel in Breaking Chains(Acts 16:16-40)
Sandjaja Prawiro
We are in the middle of Paul’s second missionary journey and in today’s passage, we find Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke in Philippi. It’s a story of how the gospel breaks every kind of chain—spiritual, emotional, and physical. The slave girl was set free from demonic oppression. Paul and Silas were set free from their physical chains. And the jailer was set free from spiritual death and given new life in Christ. The common thread in all these stories is the power of the gospel. The gospel isn’t just a message we preach; it’s the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes. It’s the power that breaks chains, opens prison doors, and transforms lives.
November 3, 2024
The Leading of The Spirit(Acts 16:6-15)
Yusup Lifire
The Holy Spirit desires to lead us in every step of our lives, ministry or work. But how do we recognize, be sensitive to and obey the leading of the Spirit? Let us learn from how the Holy Spirit led Paul and his team in Acts 16:6-15
October 27, 2024
Passion, People and Preparation(Acts 15:36 - Acts 16:5)
Mike Broomell
On Sunday, we look at Acts 15:36 – Acts 16:5 as the Apostle Paul begins his second missionary journey. We will learn about Paul’s passion, his choice of people and the preparation for his journey – and how these might guide us in the missions in life which God has given each of us.
October 20, 2024
Defending The Gospel(Acts 15:1-35)
John Zheng
The gospel message is the heart of Christianity. We are called not just to be experts of the gospel and to communicate the gospel well, but we are also commanded to defend the gospel. Leaders of churches have an even greater responsibility to defend the gospel both from within and from outside of the church. In Acts 15, we will discover how the early church leaders defended the gospel from attacks from people within the church.
October 13, 2024
Paul and Barnabas Return to Strengthen the Churches(Acts 14:21-28)
Anthony Croft
In the Book of Acts we see a clear pattern of believers intentionally entering new areas, sharing the Gospel, beginning transformational discipleship, gathering believers into simple house churches, appointing local leaders (elders), and moving on to other areas with the intention of returning to strengthen these new churches as part of the growing multi-ethnic Body of Christ. In Acts 14:21-28 we see Paul and Barnabas returning to the newly established churches in Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch to strengthen the believers and appoint local leaders in the face of heavy persecution. Join us at JICF this week as we take a deeper look at the establishment of leaders in these early churches and how this relates to healthy, biblical forms of leadership in the modern church.
October 6, 2024
The Expected Responses to The Gospel's Message(Acts 14:8-20)
Yusup Lifire
The message of the gospel requires a response from us. What would be a good and bad response?
Let us learn from what happens in Acts 14: 8-20.
September 28, 2024
Characteristics of Missionaries(Acts 13:42-14:7)
Sandjaja Prawiro
As we continue to follow Paul’s and Barnabas’ missionary journey into the cities of Iconium, Lystra and Derbe, we can extract from the passage that they possess certain characteristics that made them effective missionaries. Let us discover more of what made them effective missionaries.
September 22, 2024
Jesus The Key to The Scriptures(Acts 13:13-41)
Jonathan Steely
In Acts 13 we see the first missionary journey. We look at the ways Paul presents the Gospel to those he encounters on this journey and explore lessons we can take away to help us fulfill God’s great commission together.
September 15, 2024
Aligning with The Will of God(Acts 13:1-12)
Suparno Adijanto
“What is God’s will for my life?” is a common question among Christian. How do we figure out God’s will? How can we align ourselves with His will? In this sermon, we went through Acts 13:1-12 to find out.
September 1, 2024
The Danger of Going Against God(Acts 12:1-25)
John Zheng
The book of Acts is about how Jesus miraculously fulfills his promise to bring the gospel to the end of the earth. There were many insurmountable obstacles to the spread of the gospel. In Acts 12:1-15, one of the obstacles is the government’s violent persecution of believers. But God is sovereign and can overcome this seemingly insurmountable obstacle to fulfill his plan miraculously. As result, even believers today can trust God more and continue to share the gospel courageously.
August 25, 2024
Breaking Barriers(Acts 11:1-30)
Mike Broomell
In this sermon, we explore the reaction of the Jewish church in Jerusalem to the news that Peter had reached out to the Gentiles. Do we reach across barriers as Peter did to share the Good News with those who are ethnically and religiously different than ourselves? If not, why not? And if we desire to do so, how?
July 14, 2024
God's Desire for Everyone to be Saved(Acts 10:1-48)
Suparno Adijanto
It is God’s desire for everyone to be saved, regardless of who you are. So far from the book of Acts we have seen how when social, economical, gender and cultural obstacles were addressed and overcome, multitudes were added to the early church. In this sermon, wee address the issue of prejudices against the gentiles and how victory over this obstacle resulted in the gospel being spread to every nation throughout the earth.
July 7, 2024
A Picture of Christ Focused Ministry(Acts 9:32-43)
Simon Pyatt
Up to this point in the book of Acts we have seen Peter in a number of contexts. Whether in his status among the apostles as in chapter one, or his gospel ministry in chapters 2 and 3, his boldness before the Sanhedrin in chapter 4 and 5, or his condemnation of sin in chapters 5 and 8, then later in his gospel presentation to the gentiles later in chapter ten. But the picture isn’t complete until we notice the pastoral tone of his apostolic ministry at the end of chapter nine.
In this important and touching story we see Peter continuing to do miracles as God has done through him many time up until this point, but we also see another side of Peter: a snapshot of how he acts and speaks. This snapshot shows us how he sought to act and speak in an intentionally Christlike way, drawing attention away from himself so that Christ would be glorified. This resulted in many people coming to Christ as the church played their role in witness.
How do you come across within your friendship group and in your workplace? Is Christ seen and heard?
June 30, 2024
The Making of a Missionary(Acts 9:19b-31)
Mike Broomell
Last Sunday, we witnessed the dramatic conversion of Saul when Jesus appeared to him. What does Saul then share with his fellow Jews – and what was the reaction of those that both rejected and accepted Jesus as the Messiah? How can share our faith today in Indonesia – and what reaction might we expect? And how can we ourselves be a modern-day Barnabas who we read mentored Saul (who we know as Paul) as a new believer who went on to do great things for our Lord
June 23, 2024
Characteristics of A True Convert(Acts 9:1-19a)
John Zheng
What are the characteristics of a true conversion? When the apostles and prophets preached the gospel, many people wanted to believe in Jesus. However, not all were true converts, such as Simon the magician. It is important for us to know the characteristics of a true conversion. We look at the dramatic conversion of Saul and see some of the characteristics of a true convert from Acts 9:1-19a.
June 9, 2024
The Eunuch, The Evangelist, and The Empowerer(Acts 8:26-40)
Lee Khen Seng
On Sunday, we explored Acts 8:26-40, about Philip the Evangelist and the Ethiopian eunuch. This passage highlights the powerful work of the Holy Spirit and the profound impact of sharing the Good News. Come and be inspired by Philip’s obedience and the Ethiopian eunuch’s pursuit of God.
June 2, 2024
Witnessing The Gospel Beyond Our Cultural Border(Acts 8:1-25)
Yusup Lifire
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church’ is the famous saying by the church father, Tertullian. Persecution does not contain the gospel, but it helps trigger the expansion of it as we see in the Acts 8: 1 -25 and beyond.
May 19, 2024
Power of The Persecuted Church
Introduction: Mike Broomell
Last Sunday, we read about Stephen being the first Christian martyr almost 2,000 years ago. In fact, the Apostle Paul reminded Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:12 that “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”. This Sunday, please join us to be encouraged by the testimonies of modern day Christians throughout the world who have been persecuted for their faith as we watch the video “The Power of the Persecuted Church”.
May 12, 2024
Acts 7:17-60 - Defending Truth and Confronting Sin
John Zheng
Has God ever put you in a situation where you have to defend God’s truth or confront sin? Think about current hot topics like LGBTQ. What did you do? Or what would you do if God puts you in a situation like that? In what situation should you confront or be more patient and tactful? Come and learn how Stephen reacted and learn how to apply the Bible in our various situations.
May 5, 2024
Acts 6:8-7:17 - Stephen: The First Christian Martyr
Simon Pyatt
Stephen was a wonderful man, used by God in amazing ways. Yet his Christ-like ministry, while certainly used to draw people to Christ, provoked a familiar reaction from the Jews: Anger, slander and lies, leading to his arrest. Stephen’s very godliness and wisdom led to his persecution. Stephen’s lifestyle, ministry and character under trial is a much-needed example for us as we seek to stand for Christ and boldly speak the truth amongst people who could well react the same way the Jews did. Do you believe that God can use your life and words for His glory in your context?
April 28, 2024
Acts 6:1-7 - Overcoming Growing Pains
Suparno Adijanto
What would you do if you have the greatest gift of all time and you want the whole world to know about it and to receive it? How would you empower a small group of your discouraged disciples to spread this Good News? Hear how the arrival of the promised Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus and makes him real to us.
April 21, 2024
Acts 5:12-42 - What Did You Expect?
Mike Broomell
As believers, we are all commanded to share the Good News about Jesus Christ. But as we present the evidence for the truth of the Good News, we should expect and be prepared for others to react in a variety of ways – and we need to understand what motivates others to react as they do!
April 14, 2024
Acts 4:32-5:11 - God's Holy Wrath
Sandjaja Prawiro
Often, our discussions about God center on His love, forgiveness, and mercy, overlooking His holiness. God’s holiness and His nature are not two things, they are but one! God’s holiness is His nature, and God’s nature is His holiness. This holiness presents a dilemma for mortal beings—we are drawn to Him as our creator, yet we also feel small and unworthy in His presence. In the Old Testament, God’s wrath is portrayed as a response to human sin and disobedience, contrasting with human anger, which is often unjustified. The difference lies in the holiness and justification of God’s wrath compared to the often unholy and rarely justified wrath of humans.
March 17, 2024
Acts 4:23-31 - Praying for Boldness in The Face Of Opposition
Lee Khen Seng
After apostles Peter and John were released from jail, they did not stop preaching the gospel. This requires boldness in the face of opposition. In fact the early church believers joined them in prayer so that all of them would not be discouraged from doing God’s will (Acts 1:8). The persecution continued to intensify but that did not stop believers to talk about Jesus being the Messiah, and that only in the name of Jesus can man have salvation. Come and discover how the early church Christians lived out their faith so that we may emulate their boldness.
March 10, 2024
Acts 4:1-22 - Witness With Courage and Wisdom in The Face Of Opposition
Yusuf Lifire
This week we are on Acts 4:1 – 22. We learn about how the Holy Spirit used Peter and John to witness with courage and wisdom.
March 3, 2024
Acts 3:11-26 - Preaching The Gospel Boldly
Jonathan Steely
This week we are on Acts chapter 3:11-26. We learn about Peter’s second sermon to the Jews after Jesus death and resurrection and seeing how he boldly proclaimed the Gospel them.
February 25, 2024
Acts 3:1-10 - As We Worship, the Lord Leads Us to Serve and Proclaim Christ
Dave Cole
Often, we are busy with life that we miss out on ministry opportunities around us. Other times we don’t want to be inconvenienced so we just toss a little money to the poor as we go on our way. Do we have margin in our busy lives to allow the worship of our lives to flow naturally into spontaneous opportunities to serve others and proclaim the gospel? Peter and John give us an example of how their abiding relationship with Christ naturally flowed into an opportunity for Christ to be exalted publicly. Are we also ready for the unexpected, spontaneous ways in which God will provide opportunities to us?
February 18, 2024
Acts 2:42-47 - What Should We do Now?
Mike Broomell
As we study Acts 2:42-47, we unwrap about how the apostles directed the first Christians to use their time and resources – and lessons we can learn for ourselves.
February 11, 2024
Acts 2:22-41 - Proclaiming The Exalted Christ
John Zheng
Sharing the gospel is vital for fulfilling the Great Commission as it is a top priority for all Christians. However, are you unsure about how to share the gospel or what to say? This Sunday, we will learn how the apostle Peter shared the gospel. From his example, we can learn how to share the gospel faithfully also. Even seasoned evangelists can learn from Peter. Come join us this Sunday.
February 4, 2024
Acts 2:1-21 - Come Holy Spirit
Suparno Adijanto
What would you do if you have the greatest gift of all time and you want the whole world to know about it and to receive it? How would you empower a small group of your discouraged disciples to spread this Good News? Hear how the arrival of the promised Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus and makes him real to us.
January 28, 2024
Acts 1:12-26 - In God's Waiting Room
Sandjaja Prawiro
(Correction Timestamp 10:45 and 12:07, Jesus did not appear to 500 witnesses in the Gospel of Luke but 1 Corinthians 15:6)
Waiting for something is not the easiest thing to do in life, especially when it comes to God’s promises. Most of us find it extremely difficult to NOT do anything while waiting. We are like always antsy. Always trying to find something to do. It is extremely difficult to just “sit and do nothing”. As we go through Acts 1:12-26, I want us to pay special attention to the lives of the disciples. Their behaviors, their demeanors, their attitudes and their actions while they were waiting for something BIG to happen.
January 21, 2024
Acts 1:1-11 - Christ's Vision For The Church To The World
Yusup Lifire
Our God is a missionary God. Our is also a global God . And therefore, His vision is that all the people on earth will come to know and worship Him. He wants each Christian to be part of this vision. The book of Acts tells us about how God empowered christian to do it and will continue to do so.