Biblical Mentorship

August 18, 2024
The Art of Mentoring in Parents-Children Relationship
Sandjaja Prawiro & Lee Khen Seng
Joshua 24:15 “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
As devoted Christ-followers, parents must have a sense of mission that expands beyond their own lives. The works that Jesus began must carry on until Jesus comes and finishes it Himself. The Christian faith does not just come from us (parents), it should also pass through us. While husbands and wives find themselves facing tremendous challenges trying to build a great marriage, they should never neglect the most important part of their duty as parents, which is to mentor their child(ren).
August 11, 2024
Mentoring Others in God's Great Story (Psalm 90)
Cary Schmidt
Psalm 90 is the only Psalm written by Moses as he mentored the next generation to follow God! This Psalm still instructs us today on the most important realities we need to understand in order to successfully navigate all of our challenges today.
August 4, 2024
Empowering People To Reach Their Full Potential For The Kingdom (2 Timothy 1:1-18)
Yusup Lifire
One of the ways God builds His Kingdom is through mentorship relationships. Through mentorship, people are empowered to discover and use their God-given potential for His Kingdom. Paul sets an example of empowering through mentorship with the people he mentors, like Timothy.
July 28, 2024
Growing up in God’s Family - A Gospel Empowered Ecosystem for Christian Mentorship
John Freiberg
Mentorship does not occur in a vacuum and neither does Christian discipleship. God has given us a community in which we can pursue Christ-like maturity together. This week as we continue our look at the idea of Biblical mentorship we will survey a few passages that give us a vision for what a church culture of Gospel – empowered mentoring could and should look like and how we all have something to contribute as we seek to grow up in the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
July 21, 2024
Jesus and His Disciples
Hendra Suhartanto
Follow me, as I follow Christ! Reflecting on my spiritual journey, I see how God has consistently placed individuals ahead of me to guide my growth in Christlikeness. This mirrors the approach Jesus Himself used when He entrusted the ministry of the Kingdom of God to His disciples. Throughout His three years of ministry, Jesus invested significant time teaching and impacting the lives of the twelve disciples. His mentorship equipped them to spread the transformative Good News, ultimately turning the world upside down. We all benefit from Jesus’ profound example of mentorship!