JICF Family Dedication
JICF Family Dedication is an event where parents make a public commitment to disciple and raise their children to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). This declaration of the parents’ commitment is done before God and His people, the church. And in response, the whole congregation pledge to support, pray, and actively help the parents in this discipleship process. Afterall, it takes a village raise a child.
To better equip parents who desire to make the commitment to raise their children to become fully devoted followers of Christ, JICF conducts a special parenting class called “JICF Family Dedication class” which is conducted every other year. The church will announce the event accordingly. Parents who plan to participate in the Family Dedication event are required to register and attend the class.

Q & A
Q: Is JICF Family Dedication the same as baby or child’s baptism?
A: No, it is not a baptism. This event is more for the parents. It is an event where parents make public commitment to raise their children in biblical ways and ask the church to support them in this discipleship process.
Q: Do I need to be a member of JICF to participate in Family Dedication?
A: Yes, because it involves the church support of parents in discipling their children. Active participation in the church community is essential to support the parents.
Q: When is JICF Family Dedication?
A: It is conducted every other year.
Q: What is the requirement?
A: Parents need to fully attend 3 sessions of the special parenting class called “JICF Family Dedication class”.
Q: What if parents can only attend 1 or 2 sessions?
A: Parents may wait for the next round of Family Dedication and book their calendar for the 3 class sessions.