Stand Alone Sermons
March 23, 2025
5 Ways God Changes People...and Waiting! (Genesis 41)
Jim Harmeling
God brings about changes in Joseph and Pharaoh, but it all works according to His sovereign timing. We should take confidence in waiting on God to use us to impact others with the gospel.
January 26, 2025
Revelation - A Message Revealed (Revelations 4&5)
Edric Margono
In uncertain and challenging times, we may feel despair, lose hope, and wonder if God is still in control. The Christians in John’s era faced similar struggles—they were surrounded on all sides, with all the apostles dead except for John, the full might of the Roman Empire opposed them, Jerusalem had been destroyed, and the Jews were deported. It is into this difficult context that a revelation, a message of good news, was given to John. This message of hope and encouragement was not only for Christians then, but for believers in all times.
January 19, 2025
The Face in The Mirror (James 1:19-27)
God calls us to move from passive listening to action, living a faith that transforms. Today’s sermon challenges us to see ourselves as God intends and lives out our true identity.
January 12, 2025
Mercy Made me Do It! (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Simon Pyatt
Romans 12:1-2 is a challenging passage, yet fundamental to who we are as Christians. Through it God challenges us to consider what motivates us, what defines us as Christians and what distinguishes us from the world around us. May God challenge each of us to live our lives given over to His will and be continually changed, motivated by the incredible mercies God has shown us in Christ
January 5, 2025
Renewed Vitality for Our Race of Faith (Hebrews 12:1-17)
Dave Cole
Happy New Year! As often comes with the New Year, we attempt to start afresh and set resolutions or goals for ourselves. Often, we start off strong and have much motivation, but many times after a month or so we deviate from the resolution or goal. We can become discouraged and lose sight of what we set out to do. Some of this can be from setting ambitions too high, or starting to compare ourselves with others, or just lack of determination and grit. Throughout the epistle to the Hebrews, the author expressed a concern for the perseverance and “stick-to-it-ness” of the believers he was addressing. He did not want them to lose heart or to find themselves turning from the faith which can save them, nor abandoning the community of believers to which they belonged. The same warning and exhortation apply to us as well. As we begin this new year of 2025, let us resolve to stand firm in our faith and run our race of faith with endurance.
December 29, 2024
Conquering Joshua (Joshua 5:13-15)
Michael Densmoor
Before Jericho could be conquered, Joshua himself needed conquering. When God calls us to be His disciples and do His work God first establishes Himself as our leader. In every situation God places you in, will you accept His divine leadership and let God be God?
December 1, 2024
Carrying out The Great Commission
Suparno Adijanto
The Great Commission! Why don’t we carry it out as seriously as the early church did? What paradigm shifts do we need to make in order to carry out the Great Commission?
November 24, 2024
Living By Faith (Hebrews 11)
Jonathan Steely
What is Faith? Can you think of anyone who has inspired you through their example of Faithfulness to God? What did they do? How did they live out their Faith?
In this sermon, we look at at Hebrews 11 and a number of stories of Faith to inspire us to live out lives of faithfulness and Obedience to our Lord.
November 17, 2024
Saving Faith Where you Least Expect it (Joshua 2)
Mike Densmoor
God is on the move and is drawing people from the most unexpected places to believe in Him. In the idol worshipping city of Jericho, God made the gospel known to Rahab before she even met the people of Israel. In this sermon, we are challenged to go forward knowing that God has worked to prepare hearts before we even arrive.
September 8 , 2024
Your Adversary (1 Peter 5:8-1)
Simon Pyatt
In Acts we have seen many instances of persecution and opposition to the church and the gospel. Sometimes we focus too much on who our earthly opponents are without considering the “puppet master” behind them. This morning we are going to look at who our enemy really is. 1 Peter 5:8-11 gives us some needed clarity and encouragement with regard to this difficult topic, speaking both of who our adversary is and what our defences are against his deception. What is it that God wants to show you through this passage?
June 16 , 2024
Jesus, Our Great Sacrifice (John 1:29)
Yusup Lifire
This week, millions of Muslims celebrate Eid Al Adha (Feast Of Sacrifice). On this day, they commemorate the devotion of Abraham to sacrifice his son. As Christians, let’s use this momentum to learn and apply the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ as the lamb of God that takes away our sin.
December 31, 2023
Crossing Over - Reflecting on God's Faithfulness in the Year past and Embracing the Year Ahead
Lee Khen Seng
August 20, 2023
Love Like Jesus (Matthew 22:36-38)
DG Elmore
July 2, 2023
Thriving Through Trials (1 Peter 1:3-9)
Nathan Ho
June 4, 2023
Grace in Weakness
John Ng
October 9, 2022
The Point of It All
Peter Kupisz
September 25, 2022
Characteristics of a Christ Honoring Walk
Mark Tatlock
September 18, 2022
Bold and Unhindered
Matt Lucas (Daily Bread)
August 21, 2022
Stewardship & Generosity
Bob Doll
December 26, 2021
Year End Reflection: Reflecting on Yesterday, Understanding Today, Planning for Tomorrow
Suparno Adijanto
September 19, 2021
Music and The Music Ministry (Stand Alone Sermon Series)
Mike Broomell & Chandra Susilo
May 23, 2021
Pentecost Sunday
Mike Densmoor
May 16, 2021
The Ascension Day
Rod Passmore
January 10, 2021
The Son of Man Came to Seek and Save The Lost
Mike Densmoor